
Brace yourselves. Zoomies are coming.

“Oh wait, is my tail still back there?”

Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde

For 23 hours a day, Raya is the more sedate of the co-kittens. She is normally quite happy to watch the world go by while her friend repeatedly jumps on counters, bats at passing humans, and attempts to pull down the drapes.

At bedtime however, an amazing thing happens. Once the sun goes down, Layla is no longer the prime trouble maker in the household. Raya picks up that particular baton and runs with it in a style that is truly amazing to behold.

While most cats have energetic spurts from time to time, Raya gets zoomies on steroids. The harbinger of her total personality change is when she suddenly remembers that her tail is still attached. She will go from peacefully sleeping on the back of the chair to trying desperately to rip the infernal appendage off her own backside.

When that effort inevitably fails, she relieves her frustration by chasing Layla up and down the stairs for half an hour at a time. The wrestling and thumping is so severe we fully expect our neighbors to someday call the police to break up the fight.

Eventually even the humans get drug into the chaos when we are forced to deploy her favorite toy, the mouse on the string. It is a nightly requirement that she will not let us forget. When we are tired and head to bed without playing, we hear about it for hours on end.

The saving grace for us is that her zoomies dissipate almost as quickly as they arrive. After running countless laps, squawking at the top of her lungs, and pounding the tar out of her friend, Raya collapses into a pile at the foot of our bed and doesn’t move until daylight.

Cats are weird.

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